2006年8月11日 星期五

夢與快樂Dream & Happiness

      最近看到了一篇頗為感性的英文 Power Point 短文, 認為對我們都相當有意義  我可以把它標題為夢與快樂. 因為人生沒有夢, 固然太過于平淡無味, 如果沒有快樂, 人生卻失去意義.

       文章的內容摘要如下, 原文既然是英文, 還是把原文摘要呈現比較有韻味. 希望您喜歡:

 Dream what you most enjoy, go where you want to go.  Be who you want to be; you have but one life to achieve what you want to achieve.  To find on your way, enough challanges to become strong, enough grief to remain human, and enough hope to be happy.

The happiest people do not necessarily have the best of all; they simply appreciate what they find on their way.  Forget what's gone and leave what's behind you.


1 則留言:

  1. 很有意義的一篇短文,可以把它當作人生的座右銘
